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Half of the Year Gone – Looking at My Focus Words for 2018

It’s over the half of the year now but I started this post when it was halfway.  With my health scare, it sat here wanting attention, but my head not being able to type it out.  Half of the year gone and I am ready to take a quick look back at my focus words…

Introducing You to Random Crafty Georgia Girl

Introducing You To Random Crafty Georgia Girl

Hi, Angie’s Angle friends! I’m Cate from Random Crafty Georgia Girl! I’m a Wife, Christian, Blogger,Crafter, Vlogger,Cat Mommy, Oz Lover, Scrapbooker, Atlanta Braves Fan, Indy Colts Fan Random Crafty Georgia Girl. I moved to Atlanta GA with my husband’s family in 2008. I lived in a small town in Southern Illinois my whole life and…