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Beauty Monday with Exfolimate #exfolimate

Healthy skin doesn’t just happen.  You have to work at it and build yourself a healthy skin routine.  I believe one of those routines is exfoliating.  Before finding these Exfolimates, I was good exfoliating my facial skin, but tended to waiver on doing any parts of my body.  I am not sure why exactly, probably…

Beauty Monday with Rimmel London
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Beauty Monday with Rimmel London #Rimmel

As I briefly mentioned when I showed you what all was in the Influenster Frosty VoxBox, I said I would be diving a bit deeper into the Rimmel products.  This Beauty Monday brings you Rimmel London spotlight. I received two different Rimmel London products in this VoxBox.  I’ll start out with the eyeliner and end…

Two Beauty Giveaways - First Giveaway

Beauty Monday Brings you TWO Beauty Giveaways #Giveaway ends 12/15

With the Holidays upon us, I wanted to make sure I got my other two beauty giveaways going.  So I decided that today’s Beauty Monday would be all about my two beauty giveaways for your pleasure or for gift giving pleasure.  I have hopes that I’ll be able to get them out to the two…

Catch the Moment 365 - Day 324 - In Styler
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Beauty Monday: Getting Stylin’ with InStyler Hair Tools #RSVPInStyler #gotitfree #giveaway ends 12/14

Thanks to VocalPoint & InStyler for these three InStyler hair tools for me to review for free!  The outgoing links are affiliate links and I will get a kick back if you order through them. I love the way my hair feels when its just right in my eyes.  Where I can run my fingers…

Hinoki 4-Step System for Thinning Hair - Final Hair Results
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Beauty Monday: Final Results with System Hinoki #hinokioil

It has came the time to share my final thoughts and result pictures of using the 4-part System Hinoki for thinning hair.  If you recall, I have done two other posts about my progress – Start and Mid-Point check-ins.  The last post several of you pointed how the difference I too saw in my first…

Beauty Monday: Looking for a new Oil Free Face Wash?  #agelessderma
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Beauty Monday: Looking for a new Oil Free Face Wash? #agelessderma

A little side note before I get started out on this review. I renamed the main weekly segment of Makeup Monday to Beauty Monday‘s so I may include anything related to the care of our bodies that help make us feel beautiful. The tag will still say Makeup Monday, but its an all-encompassing beauty products…

Chapstick Hydration Lock - Night and Day - Opening
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New ChapStick Hydration Lock Day & Night #PutYourLipsFirst

I received this product free to review from Smiley360. If you are anything like me, then you might have chapsticks, lip glosses and other forms of lip products shoved into various areas of your home, car, or even your office.  Because you never know when you might want it or need it.  Having it on…