
Its Time for My 13 Favorite Posts from 2019

While earlier this week I gave you a round-up post of the most viewed posts for 2019 by you all. I thought it would be fun for me to give you my 13 favorite posts from 2019. Some I don’t think got as much attention as I think they deserved.

In all honesty, I was trying to go with 10 but ended up finding 13 that I just couldn’t pass up. Plus it made me realize while I didn’t post as much as I should, I did get some good ones in at least.

Ready to see what I pulled as my personal favorites?

Favorite Posts from 2019 - Social-min

My 13 Favorite Posts from 2019

  1. My Life as a Blogger and How You Can Help. I feel like most people don’t realize how much a like, comment, or share helps a blogger(or a business!). We aren’t always shown to people and that one simple act helps SO much. A little about how I blog/what I do – and ending with helpful ways to help me grow.
  2. Feeling Powerless When You Have Hypothyroidism. Even being on medication for a few years, I still have symptoms of my thyroid being off and it can be frustrating.
  3. How I am Growing and You Can Too. Explaining a bit how I am trying to grow my business and ways you can also grow.
  4. Ways to Help Conquer Life When Having Type 2 Diabetes. A sponsored post that I ended up really liking. Exposing how Jason has type 2 diabetes and how we manage it.
  5. We Found Adventure On the Long Beach Peninsula In the GMC Terrain – Part One & Part Two. Partially sponsored post with GMC and our adventures and fun on the Long Beach Peninsula. So much fun I had to break it up into two posts.
  6. Some of the Most Enjoyable Outdoor Games. I love games and outdoor games are no different. A fun list with all the outdoor games you just have to have.
  7. Exposing My Truth of Feeling Invisible. Even with having a mass online following, I still very often feel invisible. I tried a blog post to explain it, at least some.
  8. This is Roxy Giving You Update On My Dog Heart Murmur. Roxy steps in to give you an update on her heart murmur!
  9. How to Get a VIP Experience with Exobus. When you win a spot on the exobus for a Columbia Gorge beer experience, you decided to do a Local Tuesday spotlight too.
  10. Lazy Exploring for my 40th Birthday. While my 40th birthday celebration wasn’t as big I was hoping, we did have a good time exploring the coast.
  11. It Looks Like a Slam Dunk Dining at Michael Jordan’s Steakhouse. A hosted dinner at the best steak place in the Vancouver area, yes, please!
  12. Introducing You to Not Your Mother’s Rummy. I am not even sure why I like this post so much but I do. It’s a quick post all about one of our new favorite card games. FYI, still a favorite!
  13. The Best 100 Ways for Genuine Random Acts of Kindness. A post I had been meaning to do for years and finally made it happen.

To be honest, there were a few from the most viewed round-up post that I also almost included but ended up just using one from that list. With that, there were also a few I wanted to add but left out.

These core 13 though stood out to me as personal favorites and hopefully, you’ll find a couple of new ones to visit today too.

Any catch your eye? Any that made the list that you enjoyed in 2019?

Favorite Posts from 2019 - Pin-min

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